PaperWM.spoon: Tiled scrollable window manager for MacOS. Inspired by PaperWM.

5/20/2023, 11:00:33 PM
Tiled scrollable window manager for MacOS. Inspired by PaperWM.


  • Supports multiple displays
  • Supports custom shortcuts


Add the following to your ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua:

PaperWM = hs.loadSpoon("PaperWM")
    -- switch to a new focused window in tiled grid
    focus_left  = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "left"},
    focus_right = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "right"},
    focus_up    = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "up"},
    focus_down  = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "down"},

    -- move windows around in tiled grid
    swap_left  = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "left"},
    swap_right = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "right"},
    swap_up    = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "up"},
    swap_down  = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "down"},

    -- position and resize focused window
    center_window = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "c"},
    full_width    = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "f"},
    cycle_width   = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "r"},
    cycle_height  = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "r"},

    -- move focused window into / out of a column
    slurp_in = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "i"},
    barf_out = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "o"},

    -- switch to a new Mission Control space
    switch_space_1 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "1"},
    switch_space_2 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "2"},
    switch_space_3 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "3"},
    switch_space_4 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "4"},
    switch_space_5 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "5"},
    switch_space_6 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "6"},
    switch_space_7 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "7"},
    switch_space_8 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "8"},
    switch_space_9 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "9"},

    -- move focused window to a new space and tile
    move_window_1 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "1"},
    move_window_2 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "2"},
    move_window_3 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "3"},
    move_window_4 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "4"},
    move_window_5 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "5"},
    move_window_6 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "6"},
    move_window_7 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "7"},
    move_window_8 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "8"},
    move_window_9 = {{"ctrl", "alt", "cmd", "shift"}, "9"}


MacOS does not allow a window to be moved fully off-screen. Windows that would be tiled off-screen are placed in a margin on the left and right edge of the screen. They are still visible and clickable.

It's difficult to detect when a window is dragged from one space or screen to another. Use the move_window_N commands to move windows between spaces and screens.

Arrange screens vertically to prevent windows from bleeding into other screens.


MIT license


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