2 Free and Open-source Sqlite manager Apps for macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)

2 Best free sqlite manager for macOS Intel and Apple Silicon.


1- SQLite browser

Database Browser for SQLite

SQLite browserDatabase Browser for SQLite

SQLite DB Browser for SQLite is a lightweight SQLite database client for macOS, Windows with the portable option, and Linux.

DB Browser for SQLite or (DB4S), helps users to create database files, create/edit and remove tables, search records, import/ export data as CSV or as text, and take database backups.

With DB Browser, you can review your SQL log, execute SQL queries, and review your database structure without breaking a sweat.

Read about SQLite browser 's features, license, platforms, and more.

2- SQLiteFlow

SQLite Editor for Mac & iOS

SQLiteFlowSQLite Editor for Mac & iOS

SQLiteFlow is an SQLite editor for Mac & iOS which is intuitive, stable and reliable to use.

SQLiteFlow is a native SQLite editor for macOS and iOS systems. Despite its lightweight, it comes with great benefits for developers and seamless integration with the system. It works smoothly on iPhone, and iPad as well.

Read about SQLiteFlow 's features, license, platforms, and more.
