1 Free and Open-source Notion alternative Apps for macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)

1 Best free notion alternative for macOS Intel and Apple Silicon.


1- AppFlowy

an Open source Collaborative Note-taking for Creative Teams (Notion.ai alternative)

AppFlowyan Open source Collaborative Note-taking for Creative Teams (Notion.ai alternative)

AppFlowy.IO is a free open-source note-taking software for teams. It allows you to create almost anything you want in a writing canvas, such as tasks, kanban boards, and more.

AppFlowy is written in Flutter/ Dart, and it uses Rust for the backend.

Compared to Notion, AppFlowy allows you to organize your text and paragraphs better, and use Markdown with a straightforward WYSIWYG editor.

Read about AppFlowy 's features, license, platforms, and more.
